Council leader to step down from role

The leader of Dudley Council has announced he will be formally stepping down from the role in the coming weeks.

Councillor Pete Lowe, who has enjoyed two spells leading the authority has decided to move aside to concentrate on other political priorities and his day job as a national officer for Managers in Partnership with the NHS.

Councillor Lowe, who was instrumental in creating the concept of the Black Country Festival and raising the profile of Dudley borough as the historic capital of the Black Country, feels it is now the right time to step aside. He said:

"Over the past few months I have enjoyed returning to the role of leader of the council. However, in many ways it’s the right job but at the wrong time for me. I am still committed to representing the Lye and Stourbridge North ward but have decided it is time to step aside.

"I am passionate about the people, community groups and businesses of the Dudley borough and I am not comfortable unless I can give my all to them.

"I am incredibly proud of this borough and am delighted we have been able to establish Dudley borough as the historic capital of the Black Country and I’m looking forward to working with all other councillors and partner organisations to develop the borough’s vision to forge a future for all.”

Councillor Lowe was deputy leader from 2013-2014 and leader from December 2014 until May 2017, before resuming the role in September this year.

A formal replacement will be made at a future meeting of the Full Council. He will remain as a councillor for Lye and Stourbridge North.


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