Dudley Council offers back to school support

As children across Dudley borough prepare to return to school next month, Dudley Council is offering a free webinar for parents and carers.

The free online session, which takes place on Tuesday from 11am, offers help and information to those who are caring for children who may have concerns about returning to school in September.

Run by the council’s educational psychology team and parenting service, it aims to provide adults with an understanding on what may be the causes of a child’s worry.

The online session will look at how children may communicate their feelings and how people can support children to manage these for a more settled return. 

Parents can join the session, which operates through Microsoft Teams, by signing up at dudleyparentsupport.eventbrite.co.uk.

The event can also be watched throughout the following week under the ‘return to school’ section at dudley.gov.uk/coronavirusparents. Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children’s services, said: 

“Dudley Council is working closely with schools throughout the borough to support the preparations for September.

“The pandemic has placed a real strain on some of our families and with many children having been away from school for almost six months and it is only natural that some will feel anxious about returning.

“Parents and carers can help their children and young people to prepare for next month by talking openly and listing to any worries they may have, and this session will provide some helpful tips on ways to do this.”

The government has this week launched the ‘Back To School Safely’ campaign and parents and carers are encouraged to visit gov.uk/backtoschool for other information and practical guidance to help them plan for their children’s return to school.

Parents and carers are also encouraged to check their school website for latest advice and information on localised policies and decisions regarding coronavirus.


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