Road safety measures implemented at Oldbury primary school

Road safety measures have been implemented at an Oldbury school to keep pupils safe at drop-off and pick-up times.

A road safety campaign at Perryfields Primary in Apsley Road is helping to tackle illegal and inconsiderate parking on the surrounding streets.

Children have designed their own signs urging drivers to park safely and the council’s Road Safety Team has delivered road safety assemblies to raise awareness for pupils and their families. Signs have also been installed urging parents and carers not to block drives and patrols are continuing to ticket illegally parked vehicles.

Pupils who designed the six winning signs, which have been put up on lamp posts on roads around the school, received road safety goodies and certificates at a special assembly. Sandwell Council’s cabinet member for environment Councillor Ahmad Bostan said:

“The school raised real concerns about irresponsible and dangerous parking outside school that is putting everyone at risk during pick-up and drop-off.

“It’s difficult to understand why some parents and carers park in a way that risks the safety of children and other road users. I’m pleased that we’ve been able to work with the school and with parents and carers to try to minimise the issues.”

Mrs Terry Jones, the school's Headteacher, added: “Since Perryfields Primary was expanded to a two-form entry school eight years ago, there has been undoubtedly an increase in the amount of traffic and the number of issues related to parking.

“Many actions have been taken to address the problem with varying levels of success. The most recent was initiated by our Site Manager Mr Roseblade which encouraged the children to work in partnership with Sandwell Road Safety to design posters to further highlight the dangers of inconsiderate parking within the local area.

“Karen Hale from Sandwell Road Safety visited school recently to present the winning certificates and prizes to the six talented winners.”


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