Scouts Give Presents To Sick Children

A Halesowen scout group visited Birmingham Children's Hospital this week and handed out presents to children in the renal ward.

All the inpatients were given a gift and there are plenty of presents for the staff to give out to day patients who visit the ward for dialysis during the remainder of the week. Assistant Beaver Leader Matt Payne said:

"Helping in the community is a key underlying principle of scouting, it's so good to see our young people striving to do this."

The presents were donated by the young people, their parents, leaders and friends of Lapal Scout Group during their annual Carol Service held at St Paul's Church in Blackheath on December 5th, conducted by Rev Mike Sermon and the young people at the Scout Group.

The beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers all participated in songs, presentations, carols and prayers during the service which was watched and enjoyed by parents, relatives and friends.


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