Telecare service accredited for 14th consecutive year

Dudley Council’s telecare service, which provides round the clock support to thousands of borough residents, has retained its quality mark for the 14th year running.

The team helps more than 8,500 people live independently within their own home.

It provides a variety of products including personal alarms, which connect to an emergency response centre where operators provide any assistance needed.

The service was recently assessed by TEC Quality, an independent organisation, which assesses technology-based services against a national framework, on behalf of the TSA (Trading Standards Authority).

As well as been assessed on areas such as the effectiveness of its care and how it demonstrates continuous improvement and innovation, the service was also assessed on how well it has managed to deliver its support during the coronavirus outbreak. The service passed its assessment and is accredited for another year. Councillor Nicolas Barlow, cabinet member for health and adult social care, said:

"Huge congratulations to the all the staff involved in delivering telecare to borough residents. We already know they do a fantastic job to help the lives of thousands of people, despite the challenges of working through a pandemic, but getting that independent quality mark confirms it.

"In the last 12 months the service has also been preparing for change and to embrace new technologies as the national shift moves from analogue to digital services.

"These new advances will only improve the way services are delivered and ensure people remain at the heart of what we do."

Over the next four years, the council plans to replace all Telecare equipment. As part of its work to upgrade the service, the council is already working on a number of projects that rely on advanced technology.

These include the Brain in Hand app which is currently being piloted in the borough.  It is designed to help people navigate day-to-day difficulties and solve problems by accessing support via their mobile phone whenever they need it and wherever they are.

To find out more about the council’s telecare service, you can go to


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