The Mary Stevens Hospice 'No Barriers Here' finalists in national NHS Improvement Award

The Mary Stevens Hospice are celebrating following the news that their No Barriers Here programme was shortlisted for an NHS Quality Improvement Award.

The award is part of the NHS Big Conversation event and the No Barriers Here programme and team has been nationally recognised from hundreds of nominations, reaching the final four in the ‘Improving through co-production’ category.
No Barriers Here was originally developed in 2020 by Hospice Palliative Care Inclusion and Community Partnerships Lead Gemma Allen, Dr Jed Jerwood and Dudley Voices for Choice with the aim of exploring inequity and challenging barriers to palliative and end of life care for people with learning disabilities.

The model was piloted in co-production with people with lived experience and highly acclaimed, winning Hospice UK’s Tackling Inequalities Award 2021 and finalists for The National Learning Disability and Autism Award 2021. Dr Jamilla Hussain, advisor and member of the co-production team, said:

“The first thing that struck me about No Barriers Here was the name- it unapologetically shines the light on the issue for those of us from minoritised groups. It is not us that are hard to reach, it is the barriers that need dismantling. It makes me feel safe. The second things is the people who have created this space before it was ‘flavour of the month’.

"There is now a drive for ‘community engagement’ with little pause to think about who the best people may be to engage. Not everyone can do this work, it depends on trust. People like Gemma and Jed have equity in their bones, those of us from minoritised groups can sense this.

"This is key to the success of creating a safe space. There’s lots for us to learn from Gemma and Jed- it is not as easy as they make it look. I’m deeply grateful to them for showing us the way, in partnership.” 

The Mary Stevens Hospice are currently running arts-based advance care planning workshops as part of the study, with an education programme later this year to share early research fundings.

A facilitator training programme has been developed to disseminate the model and is being delivered to health care professionals across several areas of the UK.


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