Water leak forces closure of new Dudley museum

Dudley’s new museum will be closed for up to three weeks following a water leak, however the new Duncan Edwards exhibition in the same building will open as planned today.

A fault with pumping equipment in the roof of the building in Tipton Road over the weekend caused partial flooding. No items on display have been damaged – but some of the furniture and carpet needs replacing due to the leak.

However the Duncan Edwards exhibition, which is being hosted on a different floor in the archives part of the building, will go ahead as planned. Councillor Ian Kettle, cabinet member for planning and economic development, said:

“We are sorry the museum will be temporarily closed while we replace carpets and furniture damaged by water following the leak. We hope to be able to do what we need to do within two to three weeks and of course we will strive to re-open the museum as quickly as possible.

“On a positive note, the new eagerly-awaited Duncan Edwards exhibition is located in a part of the building which was unaffected. So we will still be able to open that tomorrow as planned, and we would encourage people to come along and see this exciting new collection for Dudley’s favourite sporting son.”

The new exhibition is one of a number of events and activities being organised in the town to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Duncan’s death.


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