Chamber launches search for Black Country business heroes

Black Country Chamber of Commerce has launched a search to find companies and individuals who are going the extra mile to help support people, places and key workers during the current Coronavirus crisis.

The Chamber are looking for those companies, and individuals, who are going above and beyond to help out during the current crisis, those companies pivoting their production lines to help manufacture critical parts, helping local NHS hospitals and care services or lending a hand to support the more vulnerable in their neighbourhoods. Chamber CEO, Corin Crane, said:

“After hearing so many incredible stories from businesses across our region we decided to launch a search for those Black Country Business Heroes out there.

"This campaign will help to highlight some of the tremendous work efforts of people and firms in the area, giving recognition to their hard work, tenacity and kindness.”

Showcasing across all social media channels in the coming weeks and featuring in Prosper, the Chamber’s business magazine, the 160-year old business support agency will help tell the stories of those undertaking incredible work in communities across the Black Country and beyond during this difficult time.

To nominate yourself, a colleague or a business, please get in touch via email sending your nomination to


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