Council To Hold Meeting On Anti-Social Behaviour

Dudley Council is to hold a special meeting later this month to look at ways to tackle anti-social behaviour in the borough

Dudley Council’s overview and scrutiny management board will hold a special meeting on March 28 from 10am.

The meeting is being held in response to questions asked and issues raised at a full council debate at the end of last year.

Local councillors, partners and members of the community are invited to give their views and share experiences at the meeting, which will look to review the way we deal with community safety and anti-social behaviour.

Following the meeting, the board will make recommendations to Cabinet on future improvements.

For more information about the meeting contact 01384 815238 or email  Written comments can be sent via email or by post to democratic services, Council House, Priory Road, Dudley, DY1 1HF by March 20. 


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