UKIP’s Dudley group leader has ruled out the possibility of doing a deal with Labour should the local election leave the council with no overall control after May 5th.
Councillor Paul Brothwood is the party’s group leader on Dudley Council. He says as long as he is heading up the borough group, UKIP will definitely not be forming a coalition with the Labour Party should there be a scrabble for power on May 6th.
Speaking to the Dudley News, he called the party a "vile organisation that’s anti-Semitic" and said they should "go to the dustbin of history".
In recent days, following accusations of former London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, making anti-semetic comments, the party has proposed a new code of conduct. Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn said the policy makes it clear that Labour will not tolerate any form of racism. He added: "The Jewish community has been at the heart of the Labour party and progressive politics in Britain for more than a hundred years".
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