Improved accessibility for Walsall’s canal towpaths

Walsall canal towpaths are now more accessible to all

Work has started to improve canal towpaths across Walsall, making them accessible for pedestrians, cyclists, and boaters all year round.

Walsall Council is working in partnership with the charity, Canal & River Trust, to resurface the towpaths, improve access points and add solar lighting to around eight miles of towpath in the borough.

As part of the work Canal & River Trust has focused on the need to improve accessibility for local people and has been consulting with disabled cyclist Andrew Moult who is passionate about improving accessibility for people with disabilities.

Andrew cycles using a specially designed bike which he pedals with his hands and has encountered difficulties using canal routes due to the awkward entry points. The improvements will make the towpaths more user friendly so cyclists like Andrew can enjoy them freely. Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, said:

“The canal towpaths in Walsall have been in a bad state of repair for a long time and the awkward entry points have meant that they are inaccessible for a lot of people.

"These improvements will make the canal a more attractive route for people to walk and cycle, which not only helps the environment by encouraging more active travel, but also opens up opportunities for people to travel further and feel less restricted.”

James Dennison, Enterprise Manager for Canal & River Trust, added: “There is a lot of work to be done to make the canal towpaths more accessible, and completing the work has had its challenges.

"However, we are on track to have the work completed by the end of the year and people can look forward to using these green routes as part of their daily walk or cycle.”

The £2.4 million investment to improve canal towpaths is just a small portion of the funding that has been secured by Walsall Council in recent years to improve the Borough.  Councillor Andrew added: “There is so much work going on to deliver a better, brighter future for Walsall over the coming years.

"More job opportunities, more affordable housing, better public spaces and better connectivity and public transport all form part of the bigger picture.

"It’s a really exciting time for Walsall with significant investment in the Borough. I’m really proud of the vision for the future and excited to see everything come together.”


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