Labour group report Dudley Council to HSE

The leader of the Labour Group in Dudley has reported the authority to the Health and Safety Executive for its lack of provision for Disabled people, including Councillors with mobility issues.

Cllr Qadar Zada has passed on his complaint after Netherton and Woodside Councillor, Elaine Taylor who has to use walking sticks, was forced to go through a dark alley with an unsafe make shift ramp and climb stairs to attend a meeting last night.

This comes despite cllr Taylor having previously raised the matter with the Chief Executive, his deputy and the Leader of the Council, all of whom gave assurances access would not be a problem again. Cllr Taylor said:

"I have raised this at least four times now in emails as well as in the Council House. Why are disabled people not welcome in Council buildings?

“Why are we forced to make decisions about whether its safe for us to continue to attend meetings so we can represent the people who elected us?

‘’I was in tears after trying to attend my last meeting - it was like something from the Krypton Factor. At one point the makeshift ramp moved and I became unstable and nearly fell over in the dark and I don't know how long it would have been before I was found.

“I'm grateful to my leadership team Cllr Zada and Cllr Foster  for continuing to pursuing this, not just for my benefit but for all working in or visiting the Council House"

Cllr Judy Foster, group deputy leader shadowing People and Equalities added: “I've raised these issues with chief officers and several senior managers responsible for building access at scrutiny committees, cabinet meetings and Full Council countless times.

“They promise to change things but that never lasts long. The politicians who are supposed to be showing leadership don't appear to care. They have relegated the lead for equality – which includes disability - from deputy leader to a less senior cabinet member and it shows.

“They seem to devote more time to fighting each other or hiding important information from the public than delivering for the people of Dudley’’.


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