Prominent digital advertising screens in Birmingham will, from today, give real-time updates on how many lifesaving blood donation appointments are available at the New Street donor centre.
The screens, in and around the city centre, will show hard hitting statistics and powerful real-life images of people whose lives were saved through blood donation.
NHS Blood needs to recruit new young blood donors in Birmingham and the advertising company Clear Channel has donated substantial free advertising space and its supporting dynamic delivery technology.
Currently, only 1.4% of people aged 17-34 in Birmingham regularly donate blood. Most blood donors are aged over 45. However, NHS Blood and Transplant needs around 4,200 blood donors of al ages at the New Street donor centre over the year. The displays will give daily statistics on how many appointments are available and say exactly how many metres away the blood centre is to help people understand how quickly and simply they can save a life.
Creative communications company 23red came up with the campaign. Mike Stredder, Director of Blood Donation for NHS Blood and Transplant, said:
“Many young people walk through the city centre every day but don’t realise how easy and simple it is to start giving blood in Birmingham.
“Registering to donate online only takes a few minutes. We aim to have you in and out within an hour but the actual donation itself should take 5-10 minutes - then it’s time for free drinks and biscuits.
“We’re very grateful to 23red and Clear Channel for creating powerful, innovative modern adverts for blood donation that will grab people’s attention. Each blood donation can save up to three lives and the donor centre in Birmingham is a great place to make your first donation.”
Clear Channel said the campaign was a first for them, due to the flow of real-time data directly from the NHS Blood and Transplant. Louise Stubbings, Creative Director at Clear Channel, added:
“This campaign is the gold standard for outdoor advertising – perfect targeting, alongside a relevant message for the audience, and beautiful engaging visuals.

"We’re exceptionally proud to be working with NHS Blood and Transplant and 23red on this campaign, which will make a real difference in saving lives thanks to donors in Birmingham.”
Clear Channel is displaying the blood donation appeals for three weeks near blood donor centres in Birmingham, Bradford, Gloucester, Leeds, Liverpool, Poole, Sheffield, and London’s West End.
It’s really easy to register and to book an appointment to donate – download the mobile GiveBlood app, call 0300 123 23 23 or go online at blood.co.uk.
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