Ross Brookes says a friends 18th turned into a blood bath and he was left fearing for his life after being glassed in the face.
The 18-year-old had been at Lye Town Football Club celebrating the birthday of one of his close friends when he was struck in the face when violence flared outside the Stourbridge Road venue.
He was rushed to hospital, initially to Russells Hall and then to Wolverhampton's New Cross, where he underwent emergency surgery to help close the wound which he fears has left him with a permanent scar and nerve damage. Stretching from his left ear to his cheek - the injury needed 16 stitches and has left him with no feeling on that side of his face.
He told the Stourbridge News: "It's been horrible. I'm sucking soup and I can't shut my eye or move my eyebrow. It's agony.
"I was literally saying my goodbyes; it was an arterial bleed. I'm really lucky I'm still here.
"It was a horrible experience for everybody not just me. It's knocked my friends about. I've had so much support but this is something that will affect me for the rest of my life."
An off-duty nurse at the party helped to save his life by trying to stem the blood loss until paramedics arrived. A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "A 17-year-old girl was arrested at the scene and has been released on police bail while enquiries continue.
"Officers are trawling CCTV of the area and speaking to witnesses to establish who is responsible."
Anyone with information that could help the enquiry is urged to contact DC Verity Evans on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
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