Ten Day Countdown To Armed Forces Day

There are just ten days to go to Dudley borough’s biggest family day event.Just Ten Days To Go To

Armed Forces Day is on Sunday 26 June from 11am to 5pm and will celebrate the work of servicemen and women at the prestigious Himley Hall and Park.

Dudley Council, in association with Forces Recruitment Services, is gearing up for a packed day of family entertainment and formal military performances.

Admission to the event is free and there will be lots going on throughout the day to keep everyone in the family entertained including assault courses, archery, paintballing, the Himley Beach, a mini-land train, children’s rides and a climbing wall.

There will be exhibitions from Gornal British Legion, Dudley museums service, libraries and the archives service including a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.

Plus a vintage tea tent celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday, Kiki & Honey’s vintage fair, Black Country Living Museum, Dudley Zoo, and World Owl Trust.

There will also be a display of historic vehicles and a civil war living history camp.

The popular youth marching band competition starts at 11am in the main arena in front of the hall before the formal proceedings start at around 2.30pm. The Mayor of Dudley, Councillor Mohammed Hanif, said:

“This is a great opportunity to demonstrate the commitment to the men and women who have served and are currently serving in our armed forces.

“There is plenty to see and do throughout the day with the more formal proceedings and performances taking place in the arena and activities throughout the rest of the park.

“I hope that everyone takes the opportunity to enjoy this free family event.”


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