Mind Over Natter

All things mental health and wellbeing
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Young Male Minds: Supporting Children and Adolescent Mental Health
Friday, 10 February 2023
As this week is Children’s Mental Health Week, we are joined by our amazing CAMHS Young Ambassadors along with Kirsty, a CAMHS Nurse here at BCHFT, and Stu from the mental health charity, Tough Enough to Care. We are delving into the topic of young men’s mental health and what we can do as a community to support our boys. TRIGGER WARNING: we do discuss aspects of mental health in this podcast including suicide and self-harm. If you are a resident in the Black Country and are concerned about your mental health, support is available to all ages by contacting our 24-7 mental health support lin...
Young People and LGBTQ+ - Identity, me and my experiences
Thursday, 22 September 2022
In this episode we are joined by Kate Bakewell and Kirsty Moss from our Positive Steps Team in Dudley, who are alongside two young people who are part our CAMHS co-production group. Listen as they share their views speaking about how our next generation are leading the way on shaping the term of identity and showing how we are always stronger, better and prouder together. Please note: this podcast was originally recorded as part of Pride in June 2022.
Let’s talk about loneliness
Thursday, 16 December 2021
In this episode we are joined by Loneliness and Social Isolation Vocational Specialist Anne Harbon and Senior Clinical Psychologist Dr Stephanie Howarth to discuss the importance of loneliness and social isolation, especially as the festive season of Christmas approaches, which tends to be a time where lots of people get together and socialise. Our specialists share top tips and shocking statistics that you won’t want to miss along with support and resources we have available across the Black Country.
A conversation about suicide prevention
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
In this episode, we're joined by Kay Higgins and Emma Heys from our Mental Health First Aid & Suicide Intervention team, as well as David Stocks a suicide prevention community development worker within the Trust. Recorded during Suicide Prevention Week 2021 — this episode discusses how to support those with advanced mental health issues as well as guidance and tips for family members affected by suicide. Discussions also include: Men's mental health and the gender suicide gap The importance of 'Asking Twice' The era of celebrity in destigmatising mental health issues How to st...
Let’s talk about autism
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
In this episode we’re joined by Ian Unitt, ADHD and Autism Specialist Nurse and Sally Hilton, Adult Autism Specialist Nurse to discuss the important topic of autism - including how autism is defined, what some of the common misconceptions are, and how people can find out more about support and resources available.
What it’s really like to work in mental health
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Kirsty Hadley, Community Psychiatric Nurse and Stevie Chand, LGBTQ+ Community Development Worker join us in this episode to talk about their experiences of working in mental health and their career journeys. They are also on hand to provide lots of advice and top tips for those interested in working in mental health or just interested in what it’s like!
Eating disorders, habits and behaviours during lockdown
Friday, 5 March 2021
As part of Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Episode 3 focuses on how Covid-19 has impacted those currently suffering with an eating disorder, how self-isolation and lockdowns have affected our routine and eating habits, and whether social media has a role to play on those who have developed an eating disorder.
Supporting your children's mental health
Thursday, 4 February 2021
In this episode, we are joined by Nicky Mountford and Jay Eeles from our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. Recorded during Children's Mental Health Awareness Week - this episode discusses supporting parents to support their children's mental health, with a particular focus on lockdown and the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. There is lots of hints and tips including: How important sleep is and how to improve sleeping patterns How to spot the signs that your child might need some mental health support How to lessen the impact of social media
Looking after yourself in lockdown
Sunday, 17 January 2021
Marcus and Susan, two clinicians from our IAPT services talk about how to look after your mental well-being during lockdown