Dudley ambulance crew reunited with newborn they saved

The quick-thinking actions of an ambulance crew saved the life of an expecting mum, who lost more than two litres of blood when she suffered a placental abruption at home.

Dudley crew, Alex Gilmore and Gracie Clarke attended a frantic 999-call from dad, Shal, as pregnant Pavandeep was losing a large amount of blood.

After making an against-the-odds full recovery, Pavi, her husband Shal, and their healthy ten-week old son, Shayen, were reunited with Alex and Gracie last week. Alex, said:

“We knew how serious and potentially life-threatening this condition was for both Pavi and for baby Shay at the time.

“Valuable seconds lost at any point throughout the job, may have drastically affected the outcome for both patients.

“We did everything we could do and quickly got them to hospital, after which, we both couldn’t stop thinking about the family and wondering how they were.

“A short while later, staff at the hospital made us aware that baby Shay had been delivered safely and that Pavi was making a recovery, we were so thrilled that our work had helped this family.”

“The relief we both felt was unmatched and can never be beaten. I’ve never seen a happier man than Shal at that moment.”

For mum Pavi, the assistance of Alex and Gracie is something she will never forget. She addrd:

“I’d lost so much blood and I was terrified for Shay and for myself. I am so grateful for the support and care they gave to us.

“We feel blessed to have met such kind-hearted, dedicated and amazing people. If it wasn’t for them, we don’t know what our lives might be like now. They have such a special place in our hearts.”

Technician, Gracie said: “At the time of the incident I was training as a student paramedic.

“When I saw Pavi I instantly knew how serious her condition was and thought about my training and started to help as much as I could.

“To meet the family again and to see that we have been able to make such a difference to a family, especially so early on in my career, is something I will always be so proud of and is something I won’t forget.”

The work of the crew is something that Pavi and Shal had not forgotten, and they were eager to be reunited with the crew who had helped them. Shal added:

“When they arrived at our home I was so panicked and felt helpless to Pavi. They instantly took over and I knew my wife and baby were in safe hands.

“Being able to meet them again under much happier circumstances, and for them to meet Shay is such an amazing experience.

“We will never forget how much they did for us.”


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