The attraction's Humboldt penguin chick, Nuno, is easily identifiable in the 70-strong colony, as he’s now sporting a striking gold and black flipper band.
The six-month-old, named after Wolverhampton Wanderers FC manager by a competition winner earlier this year, has now fledged and is available for adoption, just in time for the start of the football season! Birds Section Leader, and Wolves fan, Nicola Wright, said:
“I made sure I had yellow and black beads available to make his totally unique colour-coded flipper strip and he’s the only penguin to have a blue cable tie too.
“He’ll be clearly identifiable to visitors, even when he changes appearance by gaining his adult plumage and distinctive black chest stripe, as the band will remain with him for life."
The inventive coding helps bird keepers identify individual Humboldts in the Penguin Bay colony, which remains one of the biggest in Europe.
Each bead colour corresponds to a unique number code and helps staff keep track of the bird’s behaviour, diet and health, with all details inputted into the Zoological Information Management System – a worldwide comprehensive database of animal health and well-being.
Animal adoption packages start from £39.50 and last for 12 months and all money raised through the schemes actively support animal conservation programmes around the globe.
For more information, you can visit dudleyzoo.org.uk.
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