Give your views on transfer of Police and Crime Commissioner role to the Mayor

Residents across the region have until the end of January to submit their views on plans to transfer oversight of the region’s police force to the Mayor of the West Midlands.

The Home Office is consulting on plans to give more locally elected Mayors responsibility for setting the police budget, drawing up police and crime plans and appointing a Chief Constable.

This is already the case in London, Greater Manchester, and West Yorkshire.

The government will consider the responses received before deciding whether to introduce legislation to enact the change in the West Midlands.

The delivery of operational policing will continue to be the responsibility of the Chief Constable. A similar consultation is also taking place in South Yorkshire.

Any changes will be effective following the mayoral elections in May this year, when the current Police and Crime Commissioner will complete their term in office.

Consultation forms are available at all libraries and bus station across the West Midlands and responses can also be submitted on the Government consultations website. The deadline is 31 January.


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