School pupils across Dudley borough are set to benefit from a total of £2.7m of increased national funding.
Mainstream schools in Dudley borough will see an increase of up to three per cent per pupil in 2018/19 compared with the previous year. Secondary schools are generally set to benefit from the biggest increase but all schools including primaries will receive a minimum increase of 0.5 per cent per pupil this year.
Following the government’s pledge to increase education funding over the next two years through the introduction of a National Funding Formula (NFF), Dudley will receive a total of £2.7m of additional funding in 2018/19 and a total of £4.8m by 2019/20. However, the local authority still has autonomy in deciding how to allocate this to schools during this period.
Dudley Council’s Children Services department consulted with schools regarding the method of distribution of schools funding for 2018/19. Schools supported the proposal to reflect principles of the NFF in Dudley’s local funding formula for 2018/19 in order to ensure that school funding is distributed in line with the NFF proposals. Councillor Anne Millward, cabinet member for children’s services, said:
“We welcome the government’s additional funding pledge, which will enable schools across the country to close performance gaps and make a real difference to their students’ education.
“As an authority, we have taken the opportunity to run with the principles of the National Funding Formula ahead of its national roll out in two years time and this is enabling us to give the immediate benefit to our borough schools.”
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