Ambulance bosses are urging parents to remind their children about the dangers of crossing roads, especially at this time of year when the sun in low in the sky.
It follows an incident outside Butlers Lane railway station in the Four Oakes area of Sutton Coldfield, where a teenage girl ended up being hurt after a collision with a car. An ambulance and a rapid response vehicle were sent to the scene after a call at 8.22am on Wednesday morning. A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said:
“We received four 999 calls about the incident - the bonnet and windscreen of the car were damaged after the collision with the 13 year old girl.
“Thankfully, her injuries were not as serious as they could have been but she was still suffering from right shoulder and leg pain. After being assessed at the scene by ambulance staff, she was immobilised before being taken to Birmingham Children’s Hospital for further assessment and treatment.
“The man driving of the car was understandably upset but was otherwise unhurt. Clearly this had the potential to be much worse.
"It is vital that pedestrians and road users are equally vigilant – with the sun being very low in the sky at commuter times, it is especially important that we look out for each other.”
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