Planning permission granted for new development

Green light from planning has paved the way for new multi-million development on the site of former high-rise blocks in Netherton.

Dudley Council was granted planning permission earlier this month to build new council homes on the site of the former Arley and Compton Courts.

The development will include a sheltered housing complex of 54 homes and another 21 houses with two, three or four bedrooms. The council was awarded £4 million from Home England towards the cost of the development earlier this year.

Arley and Compton were demolished after being identified as no longer fit for purpose and to make way for new housing developments. Now planning permission is granted, work is expected to start in the coming months. Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, cabinet member for housing and communities, said:

"This development has been on the cards for some time so it’s a fantastic to reach this milestone. Now we have been given the green light, we can start to bring real positive change for the communities in the area.

"This development will provide dozens of new affordable homes, which will serve different generations and a create a new, thriving community in this area once more."


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