New figures have revealed that a Dudley Council service has now helped more than 6,000 young people into work or training.
'Black Country Impact' offers help for 16 to 29-year-olds in Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton who are currently not in employment, education or training. It officially started just under two years ago and has also forged relationships with more than 100 businesses or training providers.
Support includes supplying equipment, as well as providing free clothing, travel, and childcare depending on the needs of the individual. The help and assistance provided is tailored to individual need and support is also available for those with disabilities, ex-offenders and the homeless.
Dudley Council leads on the delivery of the service in partnership with Sandwell Council, Walsall Council, Wolverhampton Council and Black Country Talent Match, a Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council project funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Alan Lunt, strategic director for place and deputy chief executive at Dudley Council, said:
“Black Country Impact is doing an excellent job in giving young people a helping hand to better themselves or get back into work. Through specialised services ranging from coaching to managed work placements, the work of Black Country Impact ultimately gives young adults the best employability prospects for the future.”
The project is receiving up to £34 million of funding, made up of £17 million from the European Social Fund and £17 million from the Youth Employment Initiative. It will also get match funding of up to £8 million from the Big Lottery Fund and other partners.
There are a number of ways to contact the Black Country Impact including Facebook, Twitter and email or telephone. To pick the way that suits you best, and to find out more, visit www.dudley.gov.uk/bcimpact.
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