Stourbridge School Supports Government Mental Health Priorities

Today staff at Old Swinford Hospital School will take part in a professional development day, that focuses on mental health issues in young people.

The training day follows the guidance document published in March 2016 by the Department for Education. The DfE document provides advice on mental health and behaviour in schools and sets out to help schools promote positive mental health.  

Around 70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age, so it is hoped that the CPD day will assist teachers in identifying and supporting children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. 

Guest speakers for the CPD day include Clinical Psychologist, Dr Rebecca Johnson and award-winning mental health campaigner and author, Jonny Benjamin.

Jonny began having mental health problems at the age of 10 and was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar, by the age of 20. His mental health challenges are the subject of the 2015 Channel 4 documentary 'The Stranger on the Bridge'. Headmaster, Paul Kilbride, said:

"Mental health problems affect 1 in 10 children and young people and these problems are often linked to what is happening in their lives. 

'Staff at OSH will have the opportunity to speak directly to those that have first-hand experience of treating and living with mental health issues which will help staff identify pupils that are likely to need extra support."


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