As lockdown restrictions are being continually reviewed and adjusted, a face mask sanitiser which was rigorously tested in Birmingham hospital labs has been put back into production.
Chemist Keith Hilton created the Salicin Face Mask Sanitiser while developing products for the NHS over a decade ago. While he’s since moved on to create other products in the skincare and hygiene industries, in the light of the current pandemic, production has restarted and it’s now ready to buy online.
Keith used the labs at the Hospital Infection Research Laboratory in Birmingham to prove the spray conforms to European Efficacy Standards for disinfection. Lynne Dolan of Salicin said:
“It’s been proven that face masks can reduce the chances of contracting coronavirus, and this spray provides an extra layer of protection. As lockdown rules are reviewed, the face mask sanitiser is ideal to carry around.
"It gives both the wearer and those around them another layer of protection against virus transmission.”
After lightly spraying a mask with the sanitiser, the water element quickly evaporates and leaves a molecularly thin synthetic protein layer. This layer is invisible and firmly attached to the mask. When the virus lands on the surface, it sticks to the protein and is deactivated, becoming harmless.
People wearing a treated mask won’t inhale any virus particles or the synthetic protein, and it’ll also stop the spread of droplets outwards.
Salicin have also produced a Back To Work Kit, including the face mask sanitiser, alcohol-free hand sanitiser, a phone cleaning kit, two masks and two pairs of latex gloves.
More details can be found online at salicin.co.uk.
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