Dudley Zoo is appealing for any unwanted bird feeders or feeding stations to use across its 40-acre site over the coming winter months.
The Castle Hill attraction has hundreds of native small wild birds including chaffinches, robins, blue tits, long tail tits and nuthatches who all need a helping hand at this time of year to keep warm. Conservation Officer, Chris Leeson said:
“Birds need to be nice and plump for the cold months to come, so we’ve built wooden bird tables around the site where we can feed them up with fat balls, bars and wild bird seed.
"As part of our native species work we’re also hoping to create more feeding zones around the 40-acre site and are asking for anyone with old or unwanted hanging bird feeders or bird stations to donate them to us, which we’ll put to great use.
"We’ve also added plastic bird feeders to our online Amazon Wishlist, which is a useful way our generous supporters can help us care for our animals."
The list, which can be found here, allows supporters to purchase items which have been specifically chosen by keepers to benefit our animals, which are then delivered directly to the zoo.
Chris added: “Any help supporters can give us with bird feeder donations would be much appreciated as it’s just as important that we care for and provide visitors with information about our native species as the more exotic ones we have on site, as these are the animals that people can readily find in their own back gardens.”
Donations can be dropped off in the Safari Shop.
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