Plans for a new housing development on the site of former high-rise blocks in Netherton took a step forward when Dudley Council secured a £4 million grant.
The authority has already submitted plans to build a new development on the site of the former Arley and Compton Courts on Swan Street in Netherton.
If approved, the multi-million development, will include a sheltered housing complex of 54 homes, and another 21 houses with two, three or four bedrooms. The council has been awarded £4million from Home England towards the cost of the development.
The council has carried out consultation with local residents including those from the nearby Netherton Lodge sheltered housing scheme who will have the opportunity to move into the new homes when built. A decision on the planning application is expected within weeks.
Arley and Compton were demolished after being identified as no longer fit for purpose and to make way for new housing developments. Balvinder Heran, deputy chief executive at Dudley Council, said:
"Securing this investment is a major step forward in bringing this development to life and delivering on our commitment of using this site for future housing opportunities.
"If plans are approved, the development will provide a mix of housing for people of all ages, which we hope will create the sense of community between neighbours.
"We know it’s taken some time to get to this point, but we’ve had some really positive feedback from local people on what we’re proposing so we’re excited for the future.
"We hope to be on site this summer and have the new homes available for people on the council’s waiting list in 2024."
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