Donations to children’s ward brings Christmas cheer

Mike Wood MP, Sharnie Whitehouse, Manisha Rasouda and others with presents for the Ward.

An alliance of local businesses, a Dudley-based football team and the MP for Dudley South have joined forces to bring Christmas cheer to the children’s ward at Russells Hall Hospital.

Organised by Manisha Rasouda from Screed & That Ltd, the group have donated hundreds of pounds worth of toys, games and educational items to make sure that children receiving treatment at Russell’s Hall Hospital’s children’s ward this Christmas and New Year don’t miss out.

Donations came from local businesses Screed & That Ltd, Kustom Wheels, Britannia Inn (Queens Cross, Dudley), Dave Newton from Snap-on Tools, One Call Accident Management, and Flex Physiques Gym, as well as Dudley-based men’s football team Farm FC and the Member of Parliament for Dudley South, Mike Wood. Mike said:

“Christmas is one of the most special times of the year, and I’m so pleased to join this fantastic group of local businesses and Farm FC players to make sure that children needing treatment at the children’s ward have a special Christmas too.”

Manisha Rasouda added: “As local businesses, we think it’s important to give back to the communities we serve.

"The thought that there are children who could miss out this Christmas puts a lump in my throat, so any part we can play has to be worth it.”

The donations were received by Karen Anderson, Head of Children’s Services at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust alomgside Sharnie Whitehouse, Play Therapist and Cleo McKenzie, Deputy Matron.


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