Grand Theatre manager announced as finalist for national award

Remy Lloyd, Outreach Manager for Access & Inclusion at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre

A member of staff at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre has been announced as a finalist in in the Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Hero Awards.

Remy Lloyd, who is the Outreach Manager for Access & Inclusion has been nominated by Grand Theatre Memory Café users for her work supporting those living with Dementia in the multiple services that the Grand Theatre offers, both on site and within the community.

In 2019 she developed a fortnightly dementia café with a theatrical twist. The cafés are free to attend and provide those living with dementia, their loved ones/carers with live entertainment, refreshments and the chance to meet people in a similar situation. The music performed has many positive, cognitive effects on the audience, helping to relieve anxiety, provides the chance to reminisce and aids communication.

Remy also created a memory café for those living with dementia from the Black, African & Caribbean communities and work is continuing to progress throughout 2023 and beyond to provide provision to reach the wider community.

The 2023 Dementia Hero Awards will recognise and celebrate the involvement and participation of people affected by dementia in activities and projects, centring the people affected by dementia as our Dementia Heroes. Remy said:

“I am incredibly grateful to be given the opportunity to lead the Grand Theatre’s Dementia provision. I have been able to witness first hand the many positive effects that our work has on those living with dementia, their carers and loved ones.

"The work we do offers a chance to engage with the arts after a dementia diagnosis, and is crucial to many, for their wellbeing.

"It’s an honour to be nominated by Frank and Alison Littleford, who have attended the Memory Café since 2019 and to be recognised amongst others who are doing incredible work around the country.”

For more information on Dementia-friendly services at Wolverhampton Grand, please click here, or email


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